Parker Posey boards The Eye remake

By Matt Holmes /

Parker Posey, who I thought was quite magnificent in her role of Lex Luthor's bumbling companion in Superman Returns, has joined the cast of the Hollywood remake of the Hong Kong thriller The Eye. Jessica Alba leads the movie as a woman "who after a cornea transplant, begins seeing disturbing images that send her on a quest to find out what happened to the eye's original owner".Goal star Alessandro Nivola has also joined the cast. Does anyone seriously have any hope for this movie? I mean, whoever's idea it was to cast Alba as a lead in any movie should seriously consider there place in the industry. Yes the girl's hot and everything but she can barely act. She only really works in Sin City where she can dance around and have as little lines as possible. Hell, she didn't work in Fantastic Four as one of four leads, I really can't see her being able to carry a movie on her own. Maybe if Posey was leading the movie then it might have been more interesting, but for me this movie will be a disaster. source - variety, coming soon