Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood trailer

By Matt Holmes /

Paul Thomas Anderson'sMagnolia split audiences right down the middle. I know people who love the movie and think it's a remarkably emotional and important character drama but then again I know people who absolutely hate it and call it a pretentious piece of garbage with a criminal ending. I'm somewhere in the middle. I find it emotionally draining to sit through the film in one go but I find the performance of the acting talent involved extremely rewarding and despite it's clunky narrative, I think on the whole I liked it. At least the movie had something to say anyway. I've never seen his follow up Punch Drunk Love but I know a lot of critics love it which is quite an achievement considering it stars Adam Sandler. So onto There Will Be Blood starring the awesome Daniel Day Lewis and a rather gripping trailer has been released below. It's extremely effective and at the end of the day a movie with Daniel Day Lewis involved is so rare these days, so I have to see this, even if he does go bald for the flick...

source - aicn