Penelope Cruz set for an Erotic Drama?

By Matt Holmes /

Penelope Cruz is going to be an actress I'm going to enjoy watching over the next 12 months. We've spoken before about the romantic comedy with Woody Allen that she is shooting this Spring in Barcelona and the truth is.... no-one shoots hot actresses' better than Woody Allen, except maybe Bernando Bertolucci or Brian De Palma. Now, the news from Production Weekly is that she is set to star alongside Ben Kingsley for Spanish director Isabel Coixet's movie Elegy, based on a Phillip Roth novel titled The Dying Animal. The fictional book is about a literature professor and well renowned radio host David Kepesh (Kingsley) who well into his 60's, decides to leave his wife and child and become sexually active. A meeting with a young student (Cruz) sends him off the rails as he becomes sexually possessive and jealous. Cruz's character in the novel is 22 and Cruz herself is 32, so the chances are they may change the character to be more 25 or something. I think I would struggle to buy Cruz as a fresh faced student. This sounds really good and I can't help but feel after watching Match Point... Woody Allen would have been perfect for this! Nice to see Cruz take on some interesting projects too, after he career went a little wayward after Vanilla Sky. Principal shooting is set to begin on 24th April in Vancouver and to your right their is a picture of the books front cover. Would make a great poster with Cruz guys, and would certainly get people in theatres!! source - production weekly, cinematical