Pete Travis directing Channel 4 movie ENDGAME

VANTAGE POINT helmer's next film will is a t.v. feature about the end of the Apartheid in South Africa starring Chiwetel Ejiofor and William Hurt.

By Matt Holmes /

So at the end of the day, Pete Travis' first feature film Vantage Point showed an awful lot of promise but it ended up being the first real disappointment of the year. You can read Oliver Pfeiffer's review of the film here. I actually haven't seen it yet but all the reviews seem to say the same thing - stupid and boring. British helmer Travis has announced what his next project will be and some casting has also leaked. He will direct Endgame, a feature length film which will be shown on Channel 4 about the end of Apartheid in South Africa. Rehershals begin on Monday before production moves to South Africa to film. Chiwetel Ejiofor (as President Tabo Umbeke) and William Hurt will topline.



source - coming soon
