Phillip Noyce To Direct 'Reinvention' Of BLOODSPORT

By Matt Holmes /

Phillip Noyce is a fine filmmaker, always going about his work in a quiet and inoffensive fashion - directing perfectly fine studio actioners that are always worthy of your $10 and importantly for him always make the studio money but may not be completely memorable. Films like Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger and most recently Salt all played well on first viewing and long may this continue. Having flirted with a few projects since Salt opened last year (he has also since refused to make a sequel) - Screen Daily reports that Noyce will direct a 'reinvention' of Bloodsport - the 1988 martial arts movie that made Jean Claude Van Damme a star. Does that mean a remake then and could Van Damme be involved? It's not yet clear but we do know action screenwriter Robert Mark Kamen (Taken, The Transporter, Kiss of the Dragon) has been hired to write it and the movie €œwill follow an American who goes to Brazil to recover from the violence he has experienced in Afghanistan who gets involved in a martial arts contest.€No word on a shooting schedule but with this news emerging from Cannes, I would suggest this is probably favourite to be Noyce's next movie.