Pixar Trailers Collection #1: TOY STORY (1995)

By Simon Gallagher /

In line with our month-long site take-over in honour of the greatest animation studio currently making films, and as a bit of fun, we are going to post every Pixar trailer from the company's illustrious feature-making career to date. First up are the two official trailers for Toy Story from 1995, the original, ground-breaking release that launched Pixar to mega-fame, and confirmed that they were the go-to-guys when it came to the next generation of animation techniques. Press play below for a seriously period-style trailer, featuring some strong, baritone voice-over work from that one guy who must have made millions during the nineties voicing every trailer released to the wider world. The most pleasurable thing here is the picture of how far Pixar's trailers have come since 1995 - next to these conventional family film trailers, the original teaser for Up is hugely different - and hopefully that change in the trend will become obvious as we post more classic trailers. Trailer #1 http://youtu.be/KYz2wyBy3kc Trailer #2 http://youtu.be/0q1rxc96m2w Go on, tell me you didn't get goose-bumps in that second trailer when the first few bars of The Boys Are Back In Town came in. Impossible!