Pizza hut claim TERMINATOR SALVATION is PG-13

By Matt Holmes /

Come on guys, Warner Bros. were never going to release a R-Rated movie out of the Terminator franchise, not in 2009. This is the biggest film on their tentpole calendar this year, they want to make sure they can reach out to the highest audience figure possible and Terminator Salvation's mass market appeal will always stop a R-Rating from ever being slapped to this franchise again. That's whether director McG, star Christian Bale or the hardcore fanboys like it or not. The evidence of the PG-13 rating comes from the fine print at the bottom of a Pizza Hut tie-in promotion... termiantorpizzahut One of the battles McG was facing was the inclusion of a topless scene involving Moon Bloodgood which now may make it's way on a deleted scene on a director's cut DVD. Or may end up in McG's personal collection, who knows? AICN reminds us that a PG-13 rating in 2009, is not quite the same as it was five years ago and a movie like The Dark Knight was extremely intense, violent and most certainly not for kids under the age of 13. Maybe they have given the same kind of leeway to Terminator Salvation? via - /film
