Plot details for Cameron Crowe's next film revealed...

By Matt Holmes /

Back in June, we heard that Cameron Crowe had setup his first movie since his 2005 flop ELIZABETHTOWN, said to be an untitled Columbia Pictures rom-com which would star A-list comedy stars Ben Stiller and Reese Witherspoon. Four months later, we are finally starting to find out what the movie will be about thanks to Awards Daily, who report on a script leak. They call the movie a Crowe inspired soundtrack heavy version of JOE VS. THE VOLCANO...

A man, close to middle age, having problems with women. Semi-successful, but doesn€™t know what to do with his life. Has crisis. Meets old flame. Had problems with her. Meets new, exciting, woman. Has problems with her. They€™re all on Hawaii. Hijinks ensue. You guess the rest.
That whole premise sounds like it has snippets of all Crowe's filmography, especially the "semi-successful but doesn't know what to do with his life" seems to the typical Crowe protagonist. One criticism that I hear constantly of Crowe, is that his movies rely on soundtracks to carry the narrative or to make his flimsy scenes carry more of an emotional pull. I disagree, I love the way he utilises music and moments, almost in dream like quality and in typical Cameron style his new movie is loaded with great tracks... The songs in the movie include...
€œDon€™t Be Shy€ - Cat Stevens €œElevation€ - U2 €œProdigal Son€ - The Rolling Stones €œLet€™s Go Out Tonight€ - The Blue Nile €œPac-Man Fever€ - Buckner & Garcia €œWhat€™s New Pussycat€ - Tom Jones €œBaba O€™ Riley€ - The Who A bootleg instrumental of The Beatles€™ €œShe€™s Leaving Home€ €œRibbon in The Sky€ - Stevie Wonder
For a more detailed plot (which gives away too much I feel), CLICK HERE.