By Matt Holmes /

I'm really, really, really looking forward to Michel Gondry's BE KIND REWIND. I think Gondry will deliver a perfectly wacky love letter to film and to the average film geek who spends his life playing with his DV camera at home, parodying his favourite movies. You just need to spend two minutes looking at Youtube to see the huge amount of time people spend doing this kind of thing, for no more incentive than it's just fun. BE KIND REWIND should do for movies, what HIGH FIDELITY did to music...


Love the poster. Looks like a ridiculous video store advertisement poster. After ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND and THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP, Gondry's next movie looks still very much inventive but he seems to have calmed down a little with the fantasy on this one. This will be his straightest film yet. Can't wait to see this, one of my major excitements for next year. source - slash film