Predicting How 2021's Biggest Movies Will End

Is there any way the MCU resists bringing back Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin?

By Jack Pooley /

The 2020 movie calendar has been quite the wild ride for obvious reasons, with many of the year's biggest films ultimately being nudged into next year in order to maximise their box office potential.


And so, 2021 is looking to be an incredibly stacked year for cinema, full of hugely anticipated movies, many of which we were originally supposed to have seen already.

And as ever, fans have been speculating wildly on what the next 12 months of movies could bring, and how the year's biggest planned releases will wrap things up.

The lasting impression of a movie is so often defined by how they end, and so most big films will do everything in their power to conclude in suitably flashy, satisfying fashion.

So, looking forward to 2021 in film, these are the twist endings, surprise cameos, glorious credits scenes, and everything in-between you should absolutely expect.

It's possible these movies end up throwing an epic curveball nobody sees coming, but these are the smart, occasionally daring picks for how 2021's biggest movies will (probably) sign off...

10. A Natasha/Tony Stark Flashback - Black Widow

Considering that Black Widow is an MCU prequel, there's been much debate about how the superhero film might end, with some even theorising it could find a way to raise Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) from the dead.


But given that the MCU struggles to make death feel final most of the time, we're going to bank on Natasha actually staying dead when it's all said and done, with Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) possibly taking up her mantle for future movies.

Yet the film's final scene will serve as an emotional farewell to Natasha by flashing back to an earlier interaction between herself and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.).

We already know that Tony Stark has a small role in the film, and what better placement could it have than as an unexpectedly poignant hangout between the two deceased Avengers?

Perhaps Tony dispenses a piece of advice that seems insignificant at the time but has a more affecting meaning when viewed in a post-Endgame context, giving Natasha the fittingly emotive send-off she was denied in that movie.
