Primeval trailer

By Matt Holmes /

Remember the other day I posted a cool horror poster for the crocodile serial killer flick Primeval? Well Hollywood Pictures have just posted up a full length trailer for the flick. Does it live up to it's creepy poster? Nah not really. I mean it's visually nice, just like those new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies but the trailer makes the big mistake of building up this horrific serial killer.... then subsquently not showing us a god damn thing that is terrifiying or makes us want to go and see it. If your going to have a serial killer movie where the murderer is a killing crocodile then show the bad ass creature in action. From that trailer, you don't really know that it's a croc killer that's murdering everybody, it could be anything. Sell the film on your biggest assest, don't shy away from showing us the croc. Click here to see the trailer The movie comes out in April in the U.S. (no word on U.K. release) source - apple movies