PRINCE CASPIAN flops because of poor release date?

By Matt Holmes /

Robert Iger, the CEO at Disney has blamed the under-performing Prince Caspian for not attracting an audience because of it's poor May 16th release date which wedged the film solidly in between two massive Summer epics Iron Man and Indiana Jones IV and found itself unable to compete. Iger believes the studio totally overlooked this clash when they consciously made the decision to move the franchise from a Christmas series, to a summer epic, a move that many questioned when it was announced... and justifiably so looking at the figures. Prince Caspian currently is on a $150 million worldwide total from a $200 million+ budget after three weeks of release. He claims the latest movie is better than the original Narnia movie which grossed over $700 million worldwide in 2006 but that"there's just too much out there" in the summer months. The third movie in the series (which could be the last the way they are dropping fans) is scheduled for a release in May 2010, once again up against Iron Man and other summer blockbusters. Surely Iger will want to change that date now? source - the hollywood reporter
