Prometheus Space Jockey Opening Scene Spoiler Revealed

Once again folks. Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers. Enter at your own risk.

By Marcus Doidge /

***SPOILERS*** With every day seemingly bringing a new "Prometheus" reveal, today's new insight into what may or may not be happening in the opening scene of the film, gives us a reveal into one of the most mysterious shots in the trailers. Over at there's an exclusive interview with Daniel Twiss (AKA actor Daniel James) who plays one of the Engineers in the film and in it . Read on if you dare.

IfOnly: We have seen the virals, the teasers and the trailers. We have seen the alien life forms and the spacecraft from Scott€™s Alien. What information can you give us on your character as the €˜Space Engineer€™?


Twiss: In the original Alien, the crew encounter the €˜Space Jockey€™, now known as an €˜Engineer€™(the name for the alien race) however, as this is a semi-prequel, the €˜Engineers€™have a much bigger part to play. My character is that of a fairly young €˜Engineer€™who ritualistically sacrifices himself in the opening scene. This sacrifice is very different toany others as I have to drink an ancient mix which causes my body to literally disintegrateinto the water around me. This then provides the first building blocks for new life to formon the alien planet. There are two other €˜Engineers€™ who are in the rest of the film and havefairly large parts, but you will have to wait for release to find out more.


So that's what is going on in the trailer shot with the bald guy with the black stuff rooting through the veins in his arms! (Obviously if this interview is actually coming from someone that knows for sure what they are talking about - who knows what's changing since filming the scene?)

This seems to indicate the beginning of life, orchestrated by spacemen in the much talked about opening sequence of the film. Now whether this scene takes place on Earth or another planet that life began on is yet to be revealed and why did the the Engineers have make this sacrifice to create life? Is this for their own species or is this for another yet unseen species who's running this whole game (Predators? ... kidding!) .


Whatever the answers, "Prometheus" is feeling more and more separated from the Alien franchise everyday, with larger questions, deeper mysteries about the secrets of life and of course expanding the story of the dead alien with the hole in his chest that got forgotten about by many as soon as the alien we know and love burst out of Kane's chest.

So with a little over a week to go, what are your thoughts? Is "Prometheus", the one who stole fire from the gods, simply depicted as the humans in the film? Is the real connection to the "Prometheus" story something more to do with the Space Jockeys / Engineers and us humans have got caught in the middle... again? Are any of you fussed about the prospect of not seeing the alien we know and love in the final film or are you holding out for a fanboy reveal of the dribbling monster towards the end? Also as a quick hand in the air, anyone care to guess how this film will end and take a stab at how this will all connect to the original Alien, however slight?


Over to you guys. I'd love to say this was your last opportunity but something tells me the next few days will be full of Prometheus buzz, spoilers and last minute freak outs.