PTA undecided on his next film?

By Matt Holmes /

I can't believe THERE WILL BE BLOOD hasn't been released here in the U.K yet (February 15th it comes out), I'm just itching like crazy to see Daniel Day Lewis, the methodical acting God make me gasp in awe at how amazing an actor can be on screen after taking such long breaks from the industry, living as an almost recluse enigma. PTA is kind of the same. Here's like Tarantino. He's an artist who makes fucking great movies but he's in no rush to say what he wants to say and I'm not sure we will ever see him make one film at least every 12-24 months like most directors. He's quite prepared to make us wait for his epics and though it's frustrating not to see a guy at the top of his game work all the time, we are ok with it as long as he keeps delivering these great movies.

A rumor spread earlier this week that the still young director was intending to make a horror movie as his next project. This got us excited for what he might do in the context of a failing genre with comparisons made to when Stanley Kubrick made the awesome horror THE SHINING in the 80's after winning a ton of Academy Awards acclaim for 2001, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE and others. AICN spoke to PTA directly to try and get to the bottom of this and asked him whether there was any truth to this...
News to me. I thought I just made a horror film.... Wish I had something to report, but I'm dry as a bone... pta.
It was too good to be true wasn't it? After all if history tell us anything, we are at least two years before it will come time for PTA to tell us what he wants to do next.