Quentin Tarantino Is Discussing Kill Bill 3 AND Star Trek 4

His "Pulp Fiction in Space" WOULD be in Chris Pine's Kelvin timeline...

By Simon Gallagher /


Not even very long ago, Quentin Tarantino was talking about the possibility of reneging on his agreement that he'd make ten movies and then retire from film-making to do something else. He'd made Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, which has just been screened for critics and he was talking about hanging up his director's hat if that did well.


And now he can't stop talking about the films he might make next.

First, there's the small question of Star Trek, which Tarantino has been hovering around since the prospect of a new Kelvin timeline movie hit rough terrain thanks to some financial disputes with the cast. Paramount apparently cancelled that and the most unlikely candidate to replace it came in the form of a Tarantino project - even though he barely makes movies based on other people's ideas (Jackie Brown aside).


Even more recently, the director has been calling his vision for Star Trek - which has been written (not by him) already - "Pulp Fiction In Space" after Simon Pegg said it couldn't be that (via Deadline):

"If I do it, that’s exactly what it’ll be. It’ll be Pulp Fiction in space. That Pulp Fiction-y aspect, when I read the script, I felt, I have never read a science fiction movie that has this sh*t in it, ever. There’s no science fiction movie that has this in it. And they said, I know, that’s why we want to make it. It’s, at the very least, unique in that regard."

Given that qualification, you'd think that would mean we're getting an entirely new Star Trek movie set apart from Star Trek Beyond (which is still horribly underrated), but you'd be wrong. The director has now confirmed to MTV’s Happy Sad Confused podcast that his story is set in "the Chris Pine timeline":


“Well, it’s an idea then we got together and talked it out and then we hired Mark Smith, who did [The] Revenant to write the script. I don’t know how much I can say. The one thing I can say is it would deal with the Chris Pine timeline. Now, I still don’t quite understand, and JJ [Abrams] can’t explain it to me, and my editor has tried to explain it to me and I still don’t get it...about something happened in the first movie that now kind of wiped the slate clean. I don’t buy that. I don’t like it. I don’t appreciate it. I don’t — f*** that...I want the whole series to have happened, it just hasn’t happened yet. No, Benedict Cumberbatch or whatever his name is is not Khan, alright? Khan is Khan. And I told JJ, like, ‘I don’t understand this. I don’t like it.’ And then he was like, ‘Ignore it! Nobody likes it. I don’t understand it. Just do whatever you want. If you want it to happen the exact way it happens on the series it can.’”

Who can really be sure what any of that really means? Nice to hear he's actually seen a script now, though and that it's still under consideration. Even if Paramount might not greenlight whatever he's putting together. Since he just called out everything they've done in the Kelvin universe...


Anyway, on top of that, Tarantino has been talking about making Kill Bill Vol 3, despite only having one slot left to fill before retirement, allegedly.

He also said on the Happy Sad Confused podcast that it's still in the air:


“Me and Uma have talked about it recently, frankly, to tell you the truth. I have thought about it a little further. We were talking about it literally last week. If any of my movies were going to spring from my other movies, it would be a third ‘Kill Bill.’”

That last bit's slightly confusing, since he's helping put together the Django Vs Zorro movie, but then maybe it's unfair to call that one of HIS movies?


Anyway, the idea of a follow-up to Kill Bill is as exciting as it is unlikely, considering Tarantino has spoken about lots of projects he apparently wants to make over the years. Maybe he'll just go with his suggestion that he'd retire from film-making to write novels and do theatre and that's where we'd see the third volume in some form? We can only hope it's how he finally brings a Vega brothers story to life too...

What do you think of this news? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
