Quentin Tarantino's Next Film Is The Manson Family Murders?

Filmmaker tipped to tackle the Manson Family murders.

By Mark Langshaw /


We don't get to sound the 'New Quentin Tarantino Movie' klaxon all that often, so it's always a big deal when it blares out.


Word has just arrived via the Hollywood Reporter that the controversy-courting filmmaker has settled on his next project, and it's bold and bloody even by his standards.

The Pulp Fiction director appears to be lining up the Manson Family Murders as the topic of his ninth movie, and Hollywood royalty in the shape of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lawrence are already being linked to the picture.


Apparently, a script is already in the works and it includes scenes featuring Sharon Tate, Roman Polanski's tragic late wife who fell victim to the Manson cult.

Deadline brings word that Margot Robbie is the frontrunner to play Tate, which begs the question of which part Lawrence is up for.


Pitt, who worked with Tarantino on his alternate history blockbuster Inglorious Basterds, is said to be in line to play a detective investigating the crimes - and since this is a Tarantino movie, there will apparently be a part for Samuel L Jackson, too.

It remains to be seen whether Quentin is going to play fast and loose with historical fact like he did with the Hitler-bashing Basterds, but given the sensitive nature of the subject matter, let's hope he takes a more grounded approach.


It's also unclear what this means for the Kate Bosworth Manson biopic that's been in the works for sometime. It's difficult to imagine audiences needing to be reminded of these crimes in vivid detail more than once.
