Rachel McAdams for Iron Man??

By Matt Holmes /

From day one I've said that I try and avoid rumour on this site as much as possible but this is sooooooooo good, I just couldn't help posting it. Cinema Blend through Latino Review (who also leaked Ledger as Joker and Routh as Superman casting) are reporting that Rachel McAdams is being lined up to appear as Pepper Potts in Jon Favreau's much anticipated (ever since Downey Jr. casting anyway) adaptation of the Marvel superhero Iron Man. In the comics, Potts is the executive secretary of Tony Stark and shares a on/off type of relationship with the supehero. She is also one of the few that know about his secret identity as Iron Man. Back in October, Favreau was asking people on his Myspace account for suggestions of actresses who could play the part and it could well be that she is being headhunted because of this fan demand. McAdams has done nothing but impress me in every movie I have seen her in so far and the more I think about Downey Jr. and her on screen, the more I like the sound of it. For some reason, I could just see them having great chemistry, so much more than Routh and Bosworth had in Superman Returns anyway. source - cinema blend, latino review