The story takes place in Germany during the years after World War II and revolves around the love affair between 15-year-old Michael and 36-year-old Hanna, a woman who cannot read. Hanna suddenly disappears, but years later she and Michael meet again when Hanna is prosecuted for war crimes and Michael is a law student observing her case.
That synopsis comes from an entry on Oprah's Book Club, but Variety actually describe the young boy's experience as an 'erotic awakening'. Sounds pretty good. It's Notes on a Scandal (without Kidman being a teacher) meets To Die For (I'm guessing this older women does a bit of seduction to the young boy) which then goes a bit further and adds a twist where the young man, now grown-up, has the chance to stop her from going to jail. This is more like it from Nicole. This is the type of movie I'm interested in seeing her in and not stuff like Margot at the Wedding. She is only ever interesting when she's doing dramatic stuff and not comedy. Shooting will begin on this movie in September when Kidman has wrapped her part in Baz Luhrmann's epic Australia.