Rambo goes TO HELL AND BACK!

New title for Stallone's last outing as Rambo, the fourth time he has changed his mind over what it should be called.

By Matt Holmes /

RamboTo Hell and Back, it's fourth different title in just over 12 months. Originally the movie was to be called Rambo: The Serpent's Eye (a very 80's, typical Rambo feel) but it was then changed to Rambo: The Pearl of the Cobra (which I absolutely loved, and it kept that 80's theme). Stallone didn't like that, so he changed his mind again and went Rocky Balboa on us by giving us a title that defined the character in his last outing with John Rambo (the first time his first name had ever been revealed) but now Stallone doesn't want to reminisce or look back, he just wants to kick ass! Unless it's a spelling mistake by Coming Soon, the title would seem not to have the colon which would make it Rambo: To Hell and Back, which is a little strange. I think personally, I preferred the John Rambo title as being the best to end on... but whatever... to Hell and Back promises an action filled ride. Look for this at the end of January and keep visiting our movie tracker page in the mean time for all the latest news on the picture.
