Ranking Every Final Destination Death From Worst To Best

From totally lame to completely unforgettable.

By Jack Pooley /

New Line Cinema

Without a doubt, the Final Destination franchise is one the most unique franchises in the history of the horror genre.


Originally envisioned as an episode of The X-Files, the concept - of Death itself picking off those who survived its wrath the first time around - was eventually transformed into a movie, directed by James Wong and released all the way back in 2000.

Since then, four commercially successful sequels have followed - the less said about reviews, the better - and a sixth film is reportedly in the works at present.


Though few would dare to regard the films as high-art, they are nevertheless giddily enjoyable self-aware nonsense, focused intently on serving up hilariously convoluted and at times genuinely horrifying death scenes.

But not all deaths are created equal, of course, and it's fair to say that some cinematic demises are more inspired than others. And so, taking a deep dive into every single death scene the series has served up to date, let's separate the wheat from the chaff...
