Ray Discovers The New Trailer For SHERLOCK HOLMES

By Ray DeRousse /

First off, let me just say that I'm not a huge fan of Guy Ritchie. The former Mr. Ciccone has always seemed like an interesting visualist searching in vain for a project to match his style. After seeing the new trailer for SHERLOCK HOLMES, I think he needs to search a little harder. Check it out so we can discuss it: I do like the BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID feel between Robert Downey Jr.'s Holmes and Jude Law's Watson. In my mind, Holmes and Watson were not on the same playing field intellectually or socially, friends but not equals. Here they seem to be played like they are brothers, and I like the chemistry between the two men. And also like the chemistry between Rachel McAdams and that costume. But I must say that this trailer gives off a disturbing WILD WILD WEST vibe. You know that vibe ... where a period piece is played modern. Hopefully Holmes will not find himself confronted by a giant mechanical spider at some point in this film. I'm also not fond of what the trailer hints at about a supernatural plotline involving - yet again! - the end of the world. Sure, sometimes bad guys are going to try and destroy the world. But does every movie need to feature such monumental odds every time?? It becomes blase after a while. I'm not that familiar with the Sherlock Holmes books - are supernatural plotlines a recurring feature of the books or the character? As I recall, YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES also featured a mystical/religious plotline as well. That might be a typical Sherlock Holmes adventure, but to me it feels like other films that have been made in recent times - like VAN HELSING, for example. But without a doubt i DESPISE the slo-mo fighting scenes featured here. You're instantly thinking of 300, WATCMEN, or THE MATRIX when you see them, and it completely detracts from the viewing experience. I HATE HATE HATE it!!! What do you think?