"Release the kraken!" - Second monster filled CLASH OF THE TITANS trailer!!

That's one big Kraken! - biggest EVER put on film?

By Matt Holmes /

I should know better. I really should. But my 14 year old inner geek leaps from within, slaps me in the face and reminds me of the innocent joy of watching adventure monster/epics on the big screen like the good old days, anytime I see anything to do with Louis Leterrier'sClash of the Titans remake. I feel less cynical about CGI when it's an adventure epic with GREAT looking monsters. clash_ofthe_titans_sam_worthington2-500x333 I grew up with the original - always my second favourite Ray Harryhausen picture behind Jason and The Argonauts. I know Medusa, sand scorpions, Zeus (Liam Neeson looks great here, but why does he need armour if he is a God?), I know every fabric of this legend. So I guess you could call my excitement towards the March opening Clash of The Titans remake part-nostalgia but there's something breathtaking about the universe this movie plays in and the monsters that inhabit it that leaves you, in the same way The Lord of the Rings trilogy did, repeating the trailer a thousand times on your PC in the build up to it's release. I don't mind the CGI here, I think they've done a pretty good job with it. Or a good job at hiding what doesn't work from the trailer but anyway what is laid upon me works. The shot that sells me on it, and it's repeated from the first trailer, is the part with the withering snake thing and you see the guy's awesome reaction to it at. It's that kind of shot that makes it all work and I think the mistakes Leterrier made on The Incredible Hulk has taught him a few things about the relationship between CGI and live-action. A meatier, slow paced, more story punching trailer has leaked for the film and you can see it over at /film (youtube version was taken down as I don't think we were supposed to witness it just yet). The Kraken looks immensely gigantic, way more terrifying than the Disneyified version from Pirates of the Carribean 2. Pete Possthlewaite - he brings legitimacy to this kind of story and I hope he has a few more speeches like the one in this trailer, the monsters are all interesting, Medusa looks as creepy as the legend (it's one Greek mythology character that gave me restless nights) and Sam Worthington suits the Gerard Butler 300 role, more than the confused cyborg/human part of Terminator Salvation. This one's out in March and will be the adventure epic to see next year. We support this over Disney's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
