Rumour: Jonathan Nolan to direct SUPERMAN reboot, CHUCK actor auditions for Clark Kent?

By Matt Holmes /

hopefully) some real announcements can be made. Whilst I was in London, rumours started to hit the web that Chris Columbus (first two Harry Potter's, Percy Jackson) had been approached by Warner Bros. and producer Chris Nolan to direct Superman: The Man of Steel, a story that was quickly shot down and debunked. A few days on and another google hit generating, probably untrue rumour has now hit Geek Tyrant who report from their close-knit €œon the WB studio lot€ sources that it's in fact the screenwriter, Jonathan Nolan, who has already won the gig, and an official unveiling is forthcoming. Brother to Chris, Jonah Nolan was the co-screenwriter of The Prestige, The Dark Knight and the originator of the idea for Memento. In every interview I've heard with the guy, he thinks of himself as the storyteller via words and his brother the storyteller by camera, so for him to suddenly become the director of a Superman movie is surprising. J Nolan directing is actually a rejuvenation of an old rumour from back in February that said he would shoot the screenplay he has been co-writing with David Goyer but although we do think it's possible he will move behind the camera someday - even with the nepotism influence, he won't be given a $150 - 200 million project with a flagship WB character at this point. Least not when there are so many ramifications for the future of DC Entertainment which relies on this movie doing well. The site go on further to claim that auditions have already begun for the movie, which could only possibly be true if a director had been found, so depending on your faith in the J Nolan story will probably depend on what you make of this.... GT say Chuck actor Zachary Levi is one name they know auditioned. I've never seen the show, so I don't know him from Adam but physically - he looks more like The Flash than Clark Kent/Superman. So we are back to 'crazy time' for comic book castings, director appointments etc, but as Chris Nolan has been saying in those recent Inception press junkets, we are only a few weeks away from him filling us in on his future plans - which we take it to mean the official announcement of Batman 3 (with title) and potentially news on what is going on with Superman: The Man of Steel. So sit tight, I do think answers are forthcoming (they have to be if it's to hit the Q4 2012 release) but I don't think anyone has stumbled on the correct ones just yet.
