Rutger Hauer Will Stake Dario Argento's DRACULA 3D As Van Helsing!

By Matt Holmes /

Funny how conversations between myself and OWF's Simon Gallagher usually foreshadow a casting or two. A few days ago we got's to a talking about the exorcist thriller The Rite and Simon told me he would be more interested in the movie if Rutger Hauer, who incidentally has a notable role in the film (and I'm not sure Simon knew that when he suggested it) was the marquee priest of the film and not the hammy Anthony Hopkins. Cool idea. Hauer - the demented Dutchman was one of the 80's biggest on screen psycho's but now well past the mid 60's mark of his life - I told Simon that Hollywood simply isn't that cool to hire him as a lead for a studio chiller, and it's only in indie fare like Hobo With A Shotgun that there's a chance of still seeing his greatness. Thankfully, I am reminded today that Hollywood isn't the only place that makes movies! Twitch are reporting that Hauer has just agreed a deal to play the vampire-hunting Van Helsing in Dario Argento's Dracula 3D that begins production in May - the only actor that is currently attached to the movie. Now sure, it's well documented that I'm not the biggest fan of 3D cinema but the thought of Hauer as Van Helsing hunting down a neck biting Dracula with drops of the signature Argento-style blood from a pretty gal's neck dripping onto my 3D glasses? Well, isn't that the sort of glorious thing 3D cinema should be delivering to us? Been a long while since we've seen a good Argento, or even a good Dracula movie for that matter... but there's an Argento/Hauer adaptation of Stoker that works in my head - I just hope I get to see it for real.