Samuel L Jackson Wants To Be In Star Wars Again (Despite Being Definitely Dead)

Mace Windu lives on... in his mind.

By Alex Leadbeater /


The last time audiences saw Mace Windu chronologically in Star Wars he had his arm chopped off, was hit with an unrestrained blast of Force lightning and was thrown out of a high window tumbling down to the city below. I'd say that's a pretty conclusive death.


But not everyone agrees - even when the film hit in 2005 there was speculation he would make it back somehow (check him out at 1:11 of this awesome fan trailer). Much of that then was motivated by the fact it also felt like his story wasn't finished - Attack Of The Clones set up some beef between him and Boba Fett, another character who fans refused to let lie - but as time's worn on, it's become clear there's a real hunger just for the cool character. And today Sam Jackson's once again chimed in with his strong views on the subject. Speaking in an IMDb Q&A, he had this to say about the death:

"In my mind, I'm not dead. Jedis (sic) can fall from amazing distances and not die."

This isn't the first time he's tried to bring Mace back, so perhaps he's angling for a role in Episode IX? Jackson clearly enjoyed Star Wars - he reprised the role for The Clone Wars movie (T.C. Carson played him in the show) - so with the franchise back on everyone's radar maybe he wants a slice of the pie.


But while it may please the actor, I'm not sure it's the best choice for the franchise. Windu did clearly die, and the retcon around that weakens Revenge Of The Sith as a movie, the Jedi Purge as an event, and needlessly convolutes the new chronology.

Then again, Luke's lightsaber miraculously made its way from the bowels of Cloud City/planet of Bespin in The Force Awakens, so anything's possible. If it does happen, I'd say it'll be in Rebels - which already has a resurrected Maul, along with a whole host of Jedi - rather than on the big screen.
