Samuel L. Jackson will play NICK FURY 9 more times for Marvel!

By Matt Holmes /

It's a good deal for both parties, so I'm not surprised to hear that Samuel L. Jackson and Marvel have come to a pay deal they can both agree on for the character of Nick Fury. According to both Variety and The Hollywood Reporter tonight... Big Sam has agreed a deal with Marvel to play Nick Fury a further NINE times over the next several years, including in his own movie as the chief agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. nickfury The deal includes the soon to be filming IRON MAN 2 and further in the future Marvel's tentpoles THE FIRST AVENGER: CAPTAIN AMERICA, THOR, THE AVENGERS and their respective sequels. Jackson previously wanted the same kind of money he earned on the near $600 million worldwide grossing IRON MAN but Marvel have been reluctant to pay big money to their actors this time around. They went cheaper for Don Cheadle over Terrence Howard... they lowballed an offer to Mickey Rourke which has cost them the recently Oscar nominated actor and very nearly lost director Jon Favreau for the same reason. We don't know the particulars of this specific deal but I would guess it was Jackson who negoitated down, for what in truth is an easy gig to work just a few days here and there out of his year and then lead their big Marvel tentpole later down the line. Now, we can be assured this scene will make sense.
