I'll swap your Japanese one for ours

By Matt Holmes /

This Japanese poster for Martin Scorsese's October released Shutter Island is something not of this time. Nothing about it screams a 2009 release. I think it's fantastic. If it wasn't for the fact that cinematographer Robert Richardson, whose incredibly lush work on Inglourious Basterds and the ambitious shots (particularly that one over a cliff) from the AMAZING trailer for this picture had worked his magic on this film too, I maybe would have been disappointed at this point that Scorsese hadn't shot it in black and white. Creepy and cool poster, and once again proves that movie marketing always seem to look better in Japanese. Even The Ugly Truth seems more interesting. Of course Shutter Island wouldn't make a dime if that was the one-sheet in our theatres because truly, it's a dud for profits. Star power is so much more important in this country, which is why Leonardo DiCaprio's head takes over most of ours... Scorsese's got a new picture out in October. Are you excited? via - in contention