Sean Bean Arrested Over Suspicion of Harassment To Ex-Wife

Sean Bean has been arrested after allegedly sending abusive text messages and phone calls to his ex-wife Georgina Sutcliffe.

By Matt Holmes /

Sean Bean has been arrested after allegedly sending abusive text messages and phone calls to his ex-wife Georgina Sutcliffe. The 53-year-old Lord of the Rings actor turned up alone at the Holborn police station in Central London at 12.45pm yesterday to attend a pre-arranged interview to answer the claims. He turned up wearing a blue baseball cap and mustard coloured cardigan. He had his fingerprints and DNA taken and was later bailed as police officers continue to investigate the alleged charges. British newspaper The Mirror believe that Georgina, who is Bean's fourth wife, was told of her ex husband's arrest last night shortly before her appearance in the West End production of Agatha Christie€™s The Mousetrap. A source of Georgina said;
€œGeorgina€™s a smashing girl and she just wants to get on with her life and move on after the divorce. €œThere€™s been no suggestion of there being violence involved or threats but police take harassment ­allegations seriously.€
A Scotland Yard spokesman said last night:
€œI can confirm a man was arrested on suspicion of ­harassment yesterday and bailed until a later date.€
Georgina, now 34, first met Bean at the West End theatre back in 2003 when he was playing Macbeth and she was managing the bar. They wed five years later in February 2008 and shared a house in Belsize Park, North London but the marriage hit problems within a year and they split up before the year was out. They did get back together again but then split for good when Bean was granted a decree nisi at the High Court in London on the grounds of €œirreconcilable differences€. Neither Bean nor Georgina have publically commented on this report yet.