See Captain America Vs Black Panther In New Civil War TV Spot

Patriot vs Panther, who wins?

By Kristopher Cook /

Black Panther Captain America

As we edge closer and closer to its April release, the latest Captain America: Civil War TV spot has dropped something of a surprise on fans. Specifically, that the tone of the film might be as chilling as it is fun.


New footage from this teaser features the returning War Machine and a SWAT team seemingly arresting both Cap and the Winter Soldier, with Anthony Mackies' Falcon asking "how long are you going to play both sides?€. In addition to this we see Chadwick Boseman - as the debuting Black Panther - overpower Captain America's attempt at blocking the claws of the South African super hero.

When asked about the Black Panther costume, Boseman told Entertainment Weekly that €œit€™s not just about being durable, it has the ability to absorb energy. It€™s not just like you hit it and it doesn€™t take it. It has the ability to absorb the attack of another person and repel or respond to that attack. That€™s part of the power.€


Civil War will be the first taste of Boseman€™s portrayal of Black Panther, ahead of the solo movie directed by Ryan Cooler slated for a February 2018 release.

Captain America: Civil War hits theatres April 29th.
