See Dane DeHaan As James Dean In Life Trailer

He stars alongside Robert Pattinson in Anton Corbijn's new biopic.

By Daniel Kelly /

It's been almost 60-years since James Dean passed away at the tender age of 24, but his legend hasn't diminished an iota. Still one of the most iconic stars of all time, his status has largely endured due to the sense of tragic mystery he cultivates. Now film-maker Anton Corbijn and star Dane Dehaan will try to pry back a little of that mystique with Life. Check out the new trailer for the movie below.Life focuses on the relationship Dean had with photographer Dennis Stock at the inception point of the actor's burgeoning fame. Robert Pattinson will depict Stock, with Ben Kingsley and Joel Edgerton rounding out the cast. Aside from a few prior stills, this is the first proper look we're getting at DeHaan as Dean. He seems appropriately broody and cleans up nicely to resemble the star, but the heart of the film seems to be emanating from Pattinson's photographer. Corbijn previously worked as a stills photographer himself, touring with the likes of Joy Division to capture their essence on film. He's responsible for some of the most striking images of their front-man Ian Curtis, so it's not hugely surprising the relationship between image and celebrity interests him. Based on the trailer, there'll be more of that in Life than speculation surrounding Dean's personal affairs. Life has played at a few festivals (namely Berlin) to mixed notices, but you can make your mind up regarding the film and DeHaan's Dean when it opens here on the 24th September.