SEX AND THE CITY: The University Years

The four girls find the delorean and go back in time to screw around when they were still fit. Actually no that's untrue, but maybe I would have seen the movie then.

By Matt Holmes /

AICN of all places have the scoop on a SEX AND THE CITY photograph which of course tells us that there will be some kind of flashback in next year's movie. Not that I've seen much of the program, but the gals don't really look all that much like their older actors if you ask me. Another thing that absolutely annoys me about lazy flashbacks in films is when they make the characters dress exactly like they do when they are older and have the same style haircut and attitude. I dare say most people are completely different in dress sense and persona after 20 years but in movies they are always depicted the same. Apart from HIGH FIDELITY. I quite like what they did with the flashbacks there. Anyway, here's the photo....
