Shannyn Sossamon is the writer's choice for Wonder Woman!

Sadly for the 29 year old actress, George Miller doesn't agree.

By Matt Holmes /

Cinematical have got themselves a great scoop today. They say that they have exclusively heard that stunning 29 year old actress Shannyn Sossamon from One Missed Call, The Holiday and The Rules of Attraction has auditioned for the part of Wonder Woman in the Justice League of America movie and has blown the writing team away.

Kieran and Michele Mulrooney thought she was so right for the part that they called her back and things started progressing until director George Miller stated that he was less than impressed by her performance and didn't think she was right for the part. This apparently caused something of a stalemate between the writers and Miller and we all know who is going to win that battle. Infact you could say it has already been won by Miller as this casting audition was said to haven taken place sometime before last week's 'high school drop-out' casting calls. I can't say I know too much about Sossamon, but I do remember her in The Rules of Attraction and she has a very watchable and seductive acting style. She looks pretty good for the role but I dunno, there's so many other actresses' out there (Eliza Dushku is my choice for anyone wondering) who have more experience for this kind of role. Cinematical also point out another thing I've been wondering about for a while. Something tells me this movie might not be JLA or Justice League of America, due to the "America" part of the title. Remember these movies do well in so many over-sea's places, that they are likely to change the title to just JUSTICE LEAGUE as not everyone around the world are pleased with America and their politics. Yesterday was said to be the last day for anyone who hadn't auditioned previously to impress the crew behind this film. Now Miller, the writers and the producers will be sitting around with literally a 100 photographs deciding on who they want. Wonder who they cast... and why is it always Wonder Woman/Green Lantern/The Flash that we hear about. Have they known their Batman and Superman all along? To keep up do date with Justice League check out our movie tracker page which is now being updated with this latest piece of news!