SIN CITY 2 could film in April?

By Matt Holmes /

Frank Miller is in the U.K. promoting THE SPIRIT and during the same junket OWF attended (which we can't talk about yet), IGN Movies got out of Miller that he is hoping SIN CITY 2 will film in April. He tells the site the script is written and if all the pieces come together he will be filming the movie in a similar circumstance as the original, with the help of his pal and filmmaking mentor Robert Rodriguez. In September, Miller voiced similar sentiments about a return to SIN CITY. Back in December 2006, Miller cast Angelina Jolie for one of the main roles in A DAME TO KILL FOR, the major unused story from Miller's original graphic novels which is seen as a shoe-in for the sequel. When she got pregnant and other pieces never came together for the movie, it was delayed. Hopefully Miller will give her a call again. Could you imagine anyone else being better suited to the title? Previously, SIN CITY 2 and 3 were to shoot back-to-back. Hopefully once THE SPIRIT is out of the way we can here more about exactly what's going down.
