So Guillermo del Toro has another project up his sleeve then!


By Matt Holmes /

In a huge Hellboy II panel which dominated the NY Comic Con, visionary director Guillermo del Toro hinted that his next film after he has completed the mammoth sized production of The Hobbit (if it does get made) would be Saturn and the End of Days. In what will likely be a similar sized production as Pan's Labyrinth, the movie will follow a kid named Saturn who watches the end of the world whilst walking back and forth to the supermarket.

del Toro said this at the weekend...
€œIt€™s like, what would happen if the Apocalypse was viewed by you doing errands. You go back and forth and nothing big happens except the entire world is being sucked into a vortex of fire.€ Del Toro said. €œThe small movies you have much more control. If I say this is the design of the fawn and the girl is going to do this or do that, that€™s me. In Big Hollywood movies, you get a 50-page memo. It€™s horrible. Independent filmmaking is like drawing a comic book, the Hollywood movie is like having five hands holding your hand while you€™re drawing the comic book.€
The movie is early in development, currently in the writing stages. Love the title but I am worried that he has stopped talking about his adaptation of Lovecraft's In the Mountains of Madness. We need that project to be made - it's even more interesting IMO then seeing del Toro direct The Hobbit. Well I say that now but I guess as soon as a cast and crew come together and I hear Howard Shore's score, I will probably change my mind on that statement. source - /film, newsarama, ew,filmbuffonline