So that EVIL DEAD movie you wanted, well it's happening...

But as a musical!?!

By Matt Holmes /

Matt here€ Sam Raimi has teased us with an Evil Dead IV or an Evil Dead remake forever it seems but now might we finally have some progresses on the continuing adventures of Ash? But you should brace yourself, because this idea is pretty far out. Producer Don Carmody (responsible for the Assault on Precinct 13 remake and Chicago) and his pals are in talks with Raimi over bringing the Broadway show The Evil Dead: The Musical to the big screen.
Conceived by George Reinblatt, Christopher Bond, Frank Cipolla and Melissa Morris, the camp stage interpretation of Raimi€™s cult classic horror trilogy was originally mounted in Toronto and Montreal and has since gone off-Broadway. Original directors Bond and choreographer Hinton Battle are lined up to co-direct the film version, which will be presented in 3-D. Featuring songs such as €œI€™m Not A Killer€ and €œLook Who€™s Evil Now€, the stage version featured an audience-participation area known as the €œsplatter zone€.
The movie will be shot in 3-D next Spring in Toronto as long as "serious rights issues" can be resolved. Some of the original cast members of the musical will be asked back according to Screen Daily.

Hopefully, we won't be saying "What the fuck was that" if this ever actually gets made. You know, I chuckled when I first heard this news but God damn, you probably wouldn't be able to stop me from seeing this musical if it was playing near me. Discuss: Is a light hearted a campy Evil Dead movie the best way to continue or restart this franchise? Would you rather see a Bruce Campbell starring Evil Dead IV, a reboot with a new cast or this musical adapted?