Solo: A Star Wars Story - 10 Best Moments

Fan service and thrilling action galore.

By Jack Pooley /


Solo: A Star Wars Story may not be one of the better recent Star Wars movies - in fact, it's got the worst critical average score since 1999's The Phantom Menace - but that doesn't mean it's not an enjoyable sit if you set your expectations in the right place.


While there are arguments to be made about Solo's sometimes sluggish pacing and excess of fan-service, director Ron Howard nevertheless managed to served up his fair share of giddy, crowd-pleasing moments all the same. Considering he had just eight days to prepare to replace original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, that's basically a miracle.

From first meetings between iconic characters to dizzying action sequences, well-placed references to the wider Star Wars universe and some intriguing teases for the planned Solo sequels, these are the 10 moments that ensured it was far from the abject disaster all that pre-release negativity suggested it would be.


A great movie? Not remotely. But a fun movie with some truly standout sequences? Absolutely...