Solo: A Star Wars Story - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

Punch it!

By James Hunt /


Solo: A Star Wars Story has crash landed in cinemas, garnering mixed responses from viewers and critics and failing to send the box-office into hyperdrive.


The origin story (of sorts) of Han Solo, it shows us all the key moments of his life, from meeting Chewie to winning the Millennium Falcon, and even, er, how he got his name (literally for some reason, but also in the beginnings of his career as a smuggler).

Solo is the second Star Wars anthology movie, and while they may cover a fairly similar time period, this is a very different beast to 2016's Rogue One: lighter, funnier, and with lower stakes, all of which are certainly evident in its ending.


The whole purpose of Rogue One was to lead into A New Hope, and it takes us closer to that movie than perhaps anyone would've imagined, but along the way it has to kill off almost its entire cast. The ending was definitive, whereas Solo - which finishes up still 10 years away from the Original Trilogy - is rather open-ended in what it could all mean and where it could go next.