Speaking of BATMAN 3...

By Matt Holmes /

Nikki Finke says that David Goyer's decision to quit as showrunner on ABC's Flashforward is so he can work on writing the script for Batman 3with co-scribe Jonathan Nolan. Goyer said in a statement...

"As my feature projects have started ramping up again, I felt I was being pulled in too many directions,"
I think Chris Nolan will want to start his development on Batman 3 post-July time, a little after Comic Con and Inception's release. And if it's sooner, then all the better. Something tells me that the Batman 3 itch has been scratched on sleepless nights by Goyer and Nolan for a while now now and they are probably further down the road than you might think on the script. I would expect them to have the major themes, the villains, the important scenes already mapped out. I mean we've all been doing that too in our own heads, right? So in brief - Goyer and Nolan will probably be writing the script for Batman 3 over the next five/six months. During that time, we should hear of Chris Nolan's official announcement that he will direct another, and sometime in the summer pre-production will begin. The film will shoot 2011 - for release Summer 2012. I think.
