Spider-Man: 5 Reasons Drew Goddard Is Perfect (And 5 He's Not)

On the one hand, he did The Cabin In The Woods! On the other, World War Z...

By Tom Baker /

The news broke last night and, whilst it has yet to be officially confirmed, the amount it's being reported on makes it seem more like the €œrumour€ that Benedict Cumberbatch would play Doctor Strange - which took months for Marvel to give the nod to - than, say, all of that nonsense that's been spread about the new Star Wars. The new Spider-Man movie have found itself a director and writer. That man is Drew Goddard, a veteran TV writer who made his feature film debut with the horror trope-skewering The Cabin In The Woods a couple of years ago. It's an interesting choice following an interesting turn of events, which has involved Sony apparently ditching their only recently-rebooted The Amazing Spider-Man franchise in favour of starting afresh, co-producing with Marvel Studios. Which, amongst other things, means that Peter Parker will now be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Goddard has been playing a part in bringing that universe to television, in the form of Marvel's upcoming Netflix series Daredevil, so in that way, he's an inspired choice. He has a lot to recommend him, in fact, but then there are some potential drawbacks as well. The Cabin In The Woods is great, but is it enough? Is his career as shiny as you'd like when given the keys to a kingdom like this? And what about poor old Marc Webb? Here are five reasons Drew Goddard might be perfect for this new Spider-Man movie... and five he might not be.
