Spidey 3 the last for Tobey Maguire?

By Matt Holmes /

Tobey Maguire has hinted that his role as Peter Parker in next May's Spider-Man 3 might be his last appearance in the Marvel comics franchise. The following quote isn't all that suprising as we have known from day one that the cast and director Sam Raimi were all signed up for only three movies.... "This might be a good place to stop - I am not tied contractually to any more Spider-Man movies. I am not completely closed to the idea of another one if it made sense but I would say the odds were in favor of this being the last one." I really get a feeling of "the end of the road" attached to Spider-Man 3. Not in terms of story per say (there is still many stories left untapped, IMO this franchise could go on for years) but in the case of the "Maguire and Dunst" trilogy. My guess would be that this may very well be the last Spidey movie for at least one of those talents and certainly the last film for our webbed hero this decade. Is Maguire expendable for the franchise? Who would replace him? I've said for a while that Topher Grace was the perfect candidate to play Peter Parker in future movies but that's impossible now they have cast him as Eddie Brock (which I think is the point, portraying a mirror image). Which is more important to the franchise, Maguire or Raimi? I would go with Sam Raimi, his talent and visual eye is second to none in the comic movies medium and is IMO the man most responsible for the success of the franchise. source - starpulse news blog, filmstalker
