SPOILER ALERT - Predicting The Endings To Fall 2018's Biggest Movies

Prepare for Carnage.

By Jack Pooley /

Sony & Marvel Comics

With summer movie season basically over, it's time to look forward to the biggest releases coming down the pike over the next few months, from highly anticipated superhero movies, to long-awaited franchise sequels and, er, movies that sure cost a hell of a lot to make.


Combining what we've seen in trailers, what the cast and crew have said in interviews and what the rumour mill is claiming, we can take an educated stab at just how these movies might end.

Of course, there's plenty of potential for studios to throw out some curve-balls and completely swerve sensible expectations, but honestly, how often does Hollywood really surprise us these days? Instead, you should bank on these finales coming to fruition soon enough...


8. Rocky's Funeral - Creed II

Warner Bros.

The first Creed saw Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) stricken with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and though it flirted with the idea that Rocky could actually die, the ending implied he was on the mend and would survive.

What a kick in the nuts it would be, then, if Rocky actually passes away in the sequel, which as evident from the trailers is clearly placing a huge emphasis on themes of family, death and the passage of time (even for the standards of the series).


After all, Stallone himself is 72 years old, and if Rocky dies during the film - be it from a recurrence of his illness or an unrelated cause - it could poignantly reflect Rocky's own turmoil following his trainer Mickey's (Burgess Meredith) death in Rocky III.

And let's face it, who won't be left a blubbering mess if Creed II ends with Rocky's friends and family gathered at his funeral?


It'd be the ultimate passing of the torch moment and allow the inevitable Creed III to have Adonis (Michael B. Jordan) truly forging ahead on his own.