STAR TREK poster gives first looks at...

Sulu, Scotty, McCoy & Chekov!

By Matt Holmes /

Just like they did for the San Diego Comic Con, Paramount have released four new character posters from next May's tentpole release Star Trek, this time at the VegasCon 08 which gives us our first look at Sulu, Scotty, McCoy & Chekov.

Of course it goes without saying they all resemblance in some way the original actors playing their parts. John Cho as Sulu was especially inspired casting and although I've yet to see him in a movie, this Anton Yelchin kid is getting a lot of studio backing right now with roles in Terminator and you may remember he was cast in JLA before it went defunct. Karl Urban was also a fine, fine choice as Bones. Simon Pegg as Scotty, the more I've had time to digest the casting the more I actually don't mind it. I know in your head he isn't really like Scotty but I'm telling ya, if you go back and watch the original series - there was always a smirk from James Doohan, not to dismilar to the cheekiness that Pegg can portray where Doohan was kind of sharing a joke about how silly a given situation was. Of course it's alright physically resembling the former actors but the tough bit comes when we as an audience have to get used to these new faces playing familar old ones. Will they be acting or imitating? Is it possible for them to make the characters there own when SOOO many hours exist of the original crew defining them? Has their even been a remake of an ensemble cast that has been successful with new actors playing old roles? THAT for me is the hardest doubt this restart has to overcome and is the main reason I still believe they made a mistake not pushing the franchise forward instead of going backwards. Because if you fail doing it this way... you might not get another crack at this franchise for a very, very long time! source - trek movie