Star Trek: Two Spocks for the price of one and new poster!

By Matt Holmes /

Wow. I can't tell you how much I love that new poster for Star Trek above. Ok, so we've already had confirmation of Zachary Quinto as the new Spock in Star Trek but what about that much discussed cameo from the Old Spock, Leonard Nimoy? What of the man who turned this character into a pop culture Icon and then like his friend William Shatner, initially struggled to overcome the character for other roles but then embraced it and was honored to be seen as such a cult icon. Well Abrams has indeed confirmed that there is a small role for Nimoy as an older Spock in Trek and the guy even made an appearance at the Paramount discussion panel at the Con yesterday. Here are the two Spocks side by side...

Sorry the image is pretty bad but you can see J.J. Abrams on the left, Zachary Quinto the new Spock in the middle and then Leonard Nimoy the old Spock on the end. Abrams also made the comment that he is desperately trying to find a way to write William Shatner into the script. How hard it can be really? Although I don't think he should be in the film if they are going to have Nimoy in it, they have to find a place for Bill too. Panel from the Con below. Video isn't great but the audio is all there...

Kirk casting must be imminent. source - rope of silicon, trek movie, variety