Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Anakin Skywalker

What went into making Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, how he got that scar, and much more.

By Gareth Morgan /

Of all the characters to ever be brought into folks' lives via a galaxy far, far away, few have ever had such a complicated and turbulent history as that of the Jedi who would eventually go on to strike terror into many a youngster's heart as the indomitable Darth Vader.


Long before he was massacring Rebel scum or choking the life out of his supposed allies, though, this Sith Lord was very much fighting on the Lighter side of the divide and it was during that time when The Chosen One found the time to carve himself out as one of the strongest and most iconic users of The Force of his time.

It's away from the mainline Episodic live-action features where some of the more fascinating and eye-catching facts and secrets about this high midi-chlorian-boasting prodigy lie, however. But don't worry, there's still some time to shine a light on some lesser known Prequel and Original trilogy details about the formidable Anakin Skywalker over the course of this list, too.

Ever wondered what went into making that iconic lightsaber? Found yourself pondering how he got that scar? Well, as the man himself once put it, this is where the fun begins...

10. His Name Very Nearly Belonged To His Son

You've likely already stumbled upon the fact that George Lucas' first steps into this now global juggernaut of a galaxy far, far away involved a fair few ideas that ultimately weren't deemed suitable for the finished article.


Among them was the surname originally gifted to the farm boy who would become Lucas' main protagonist for his Original Trilogy. And while most are aware that Luke Skywalker was initially set to be known as young Starkiller in the early stages of A New Hope's development, many aren't as clued up as to what his original first name would've been.

The first draft of The Star Wars had a young Annikin Starkiller duking it out with Darth Vader, with that youngster being the 16-year-old son of a legendary warrior. Lucas would clearly keep elements of Annikin when it came time to shift the character towards the Luke we know and love today. But it's interesting to note that the previous first name of Vader once belonged to his eventual son years before it was officially incorporated into Star Wars lore, albeit with a slightly altered spelling.
