Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Sith

You don't know the power of the dark side, or these other fascinating Star Wars Sith facts!

By Gareth Morgan /

They may have only been mentioned on-screen for the first time in 1999's The Phantom Menace, but the Sith have been making their presence felt in Star Wars since the very beginning.


From the moment the intimidating force of nature known as Darth Vader strutted onto a Rebel ship in 1977, fans instantly found themselves being utterly fascinated by whatever the hell this terrifying figure was.

This wasn't your typical moustache twiddling big bad. This was a dark lord of the Sith, and not even the most unsettling one.

As the years have rolled by that interest in Star Wars' cool and frightening dark side users has only grown. However, there are still a ton of Sith secrets out there that the average lover of all things Force lightning and red lightsabers may be yet to discover - until now.

So, if you finally want to really understand the power of the dark side and learn about things like the origin of certain Sith rules, then you know what you have to do.

Read the following 10 Sith-stuffed entries.

"Do it."

10. We've Only Ever Seen FIVE Sith Alive On-Screen

Despite there being a grand total of nine Skywalker Saga features, a couple of spin-off big-screen Star Wars entries and a number of live-action and animated series, the number of living Sith Lords that have been seen in those projects is surprisingly low.


Now sure, there have been a whole host of different dark side practitioners involved in everything from the movies to the likes of The Clone Wars and even this year's Ahsoka. But folks like Marrok, Baylan Skoll, Asajj Ventress, and the various Inquisitors seen over the years aren't technically classed as Sith Lords - no matter how powerful they may be.

And despite even Darth Bane showing up for an appearance as a vision in The Clone Wars, the fact he wasn't actually amongst the living at the time still means that only five alive and kicking Sith Lords have shown up on-screen to date.

At the time of writing, then, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Count Dooku, Maul, and Savage Opress are the only corrupted souls to have fully risen to the level of Dark Lord of the Sith.
