Star Wars: 20 Worst Franchise Moments (So Far)

The world's biggest franchise certainly isn't perfect.

By Robin Baxter /

As Solo hits cinemas, we're already back into Star Wars fever mode. Beforehand, people undoubtedly re-watched and looked back on all the old movies. For the most part, a Star Wars marathon is great fun, but there's a surprising amount of rubbish you have to get through to get to the good stuff.


Star Wars is generally awesome and the films are usually strong in terms of quality. That's impressive as Hollywood franchises go, but when watching through them, a lot of bad creative choices, annoying scenes and jarring characters do unfortunately leap out and distract from otherwise terrific viewings.

These mistakes will definitely have you reaching for the fast-forward button. As fun as being a Star Wars fan is, there's a lot of stuff you have to put up with to fully enjoy the films.

Unfortunately, Solo: A Star Wars Story has proven to be a huge disappointment and the franchise has now delivered its first bad film (aside from that Clone Wars movie no-one remembers). As the series hits this new low, it's time to look back at all the previous times Star Wars made you want to chuck your remote at the TV...

20. Luke And Leia Kiss

Film: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back


The Empire Strikes Back is easily one of cinema's most beloved blockbusters and with good reason. Both a relentlessly thrilling spectacle and a surprisingly emotional story of good vs. evil, Empire is a masterpiece of commercial cinema and every sequel out there still tries to copy it to this day. For the most part, that is a good idea but there's one scene which absolutely mustn't be mimicked: the infamous brother-sister kiss between Luke and Leia.

Leia kissing Luke to make Han jealous wasn't a necessary moment to begin with, but when it's revealed in Return of the Jedi that they're brother and sister it becomes incredibly uncomfortable to watch. It's not precisely clear when George Lucas decided on the plot twist about the Skywalker twins, but if he'd decided on it before writing this scene, then it's a real mystery as to why it was left in.

This is one of the most notable bad scenes in great movies ever and an unbearably cringe-worthy moment which really drags down an otherwise great sequel.
