Star Wars Episode 7: 5 Reasons Disney Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To the Franchise

Disney's recent purchase of Lucasfilm marks the start of a bright future for Star Wars...

By Alex Leadbeater /

st. Now the dust has settled, it's time to accept we live in a world where there are going to be more than six Star Wars movies. Websites such as this have been musing what exactly the implications of this are, leading fans the internet to over to begin despairing at what they view as a terrible move. This is a load of hokum; it is short sighted to say that the series was better the way it currently is. Disney buying up Lucasfilm is in fact the best thing that could happen to the company and in particular the franchise that made its name. Any criticism that this shows either Lucas or the franchise is selling out is ridiculous; Star Wars lost all sense of artistic integrity long ago and has for a long time been a joke. It€™s not even like Disney are going to be suddenly making more Star Wars out of the blue €“ Lucasfilm has been consistently producing new material for years, of decreasing quality. The prequel€™s were far from perfect, but they aren't terrible films and work well as sci-fi blockbusters (and anyone who feels like recommending the RedLetterMedia videos, don€™t bother; they raise good points but are too subjective to be used as a sound argument), but the recent developments in the series €“ a long gestating live action TV series and the animated The Clone Wars €“ have been underwhelming to say the least. I for one am excited. Everything about this deal spells a good future for Star Wars, making it the brightest time for the series since the prequels were first announced. Here are five reasons why this is a truly brilliant development.
