Star Wars Episode 7: 5 Reasons It Could Be Awesome and 5 Reasons It Could Suck

By Brandon Jacobs /

5 Awesome Reasons;

5. More Star Wars

This reason is admittedly pretty simple. We love Star Wars, and so news that we€™ll be getting more of it is a good thing, superficially of course. It is still way too soon to tell whether these new films will be worthy of the name, but never the less, the announcement of a new trilogy is huge news. Old fans will be able to once again see the Star Wars universe on the big screen, while new audiences will be introduced to it, creating a new legion of fans. Of course, fans have always had plenty of Star Wars goodness to chew on outside of the six films, but the films have always remained the core of the franchise, so much so that news of more films will always be explosive, as this previous Tuesday established. New Star Wars movies also keep the material fresh, giving fans something to always talk, debate, and geek out over, and it sounds like Disney will be doing just that for a very long time.