Star Wars: Has Episode VIII's (Ridiculous) Plot Leaked Already?

Who is whose father now?

By Simon Gallagher /


According to a Star Wars "leaker", Episode VIII is tentatively being called Echoes Of The Dark Side, will focus on Rey's backstory and reveal that she's actually the reincarnated spirit of Anakin Skywalker. So basically, instead of the long-suspected revelation that Luke is her dad, it's going to turn out that she's actually Luke's dad.\


Yes, really.

Rey will apparently be annoyed at Luke after assuming he's her father, only to be told that she was actually a surviving student from when Kylo Ren and Snoke combined to wipe out Luke's Jedi school. Elsewhere Finn will fall in love (not with Poe Dameron) with a duplicitous snake. Oh, and Phasma is coming back.


As with all Internet rumours, it's best to take anything that emanates from the murky depths of Reddit with about a truck-load of salt. If it wasn't for the fact that last year someone genuinely did leak the full plot of The Force Awakens, this one would probably go straight on the pile marked "attention seeker trolls Internet". But it's always better to be safe now.

The leak is a hell of a thing: it suggests that Rey is the Chosen One (having been reincarnated by the Force in a sort of self-fulfilling perpetual loop - Matrix style) and that the New Republic will be torn apart by insurrection and the poor leadership of General Organa. It will be twisty, there will be deception and Finn will end up being almost killed by Kylo Ren again.


If you want to read the absolutely bonkers "leak" in full click here.

Aside from the bit where Luke apparently says "no, YOU are my father" to Rey, it's actually a pretty solid story. If it turns out to be the genuine thing, you can colour me intrigued.


What do you think of this apparently leaked plot? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.