Star Wars: John Williams Basically Shoots Down Popular Rey Theory

"...You are NOT the father..."

By Simon Gallagher /


The mystery of who Rey's parents are will rumble on until someone confirms without question in one of the forthcoming Star Wars movies that she belongs to their bloodline. Even beyond that, some conspiracy theories will offer alternate solutions: it's just how the Internet works.


It's not accidental of course: LucasFilm learned back with the original movies that feeding hype by encouraging fan theories and rumours is an easy marketing win. With the original trilogy, of course, they went as far as to leak their own theories (some of which proved to be true) in order to keep fans talking about the movie.

Now, there's not quite as much need, since fans will talk about Star Wars no matter what anyway, but the practice of narrative teases and encouraging rumours is alive and well.


John WIlliams is the latest to weigh in on Rey's parentage, seemingly confirming that there was no plan in The Force Awakens to foreshadow their identity in the music. That is despite that fact that fans had noted the similarities between Rey's musical cues and existing ones from the franchise, which seemed to confirm a familial link. Williams, unfortunately seems oblivious, making that theory a little unlikely.

He spoke (via Indie Revolver)while performing with the Boston Pops Orchestra to give his opinion:

I never asked J.J. Abrams who Reys father is, but I think its Luke Skywalker.Your guess is as good as mine, though.

There are a number of theories offering answers to this great mystery, but there's a very good chance LucasFilm themselves aren't entirely set on an answer.Force Awakenseditor Maryann Brandon offered her own thoughts at a screening of the film at the Pollack Theater:

I actually dont know. I am not even sure that they know. J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan werent talking about it. They shifted back and forth and they havent talked about it. Your guess is as good as mine. In some films that are serialized we change things all the time. We start with one intention and suddenly, you know what, scrap that idea, lets change who everyone is.

Maybe it's all just misdirection, though? There's precedent after all.


Who do you think Rey's parents are? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.